Working Mummies

Have you ever felt like a rat running on a tread mill that just never stops? This is how it usually goes. You wake up at the crack of dawn to exercise (it relaxes you, makes you look and feel good, heals your partners wondering eyes or/ and you're just bloody stupid). You race home from the gym, shower, cuddle kids, and help them get dressed, eat, pack school bags and if you're lucky enough you're partner will help and even better take them to school. Half crazed you race out the door with a mouthful of porridge in your gob (still swallowing) run like mad to catch your train a kilometer down the road because your household only has one car.
Finally you get to work maybe a few minutes late and nervously wonder if anybody noticed. The "how was your weekend" from colleagues just reminds you how hard it was (cleaning, grocery shopping, kids sports/ birthday parties, visiting frail parents who also need your help). You work hard and wonder if you'll ever do something you truly love but swiftly remind yourself this pays the bills.
Finally it's home time and you race out the door, run like hell to catch that train, brave the peak hour crowds as everybody crams into a carriage wedged against each other (gross he coughed on me, will I get sick? Will I pass it on to the kids? Will they keep me up all night because they feel like crap?)
I walk in the door and the house looks like a tornado swept through it. Kids are in the bath, great. But wait most of the water is on the bathroom floor not in the tub. Hubby gleefully yells out he's walking the dog and I'm left without a moment to sigh when the kids start fighting and the kitchen sink is full of dishes and I literally don't have time to cry.
Finally time to sit down at 8pm (lunches are made, clothes have been put away, bills paid online, emails checked, kids fighting under control) and youngest doesn't want to go to bed. After 10 trips to and from the lounge room to her bedroom reassuring her monsters aren't real it's time to put the oldest to bed. Lucky she's too tired to put up a fight.
Hubby and I can relax finally and within a moment we're out cold.


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