
Showing posts from February 5, 2012

Working Mummies

Have you ever felt like a rat running on a tread mill that just never stops? This is how it usually goes. You wake up at the crack of dawn to exercise (it relaxes you, makes you look and feel good, heals your partners wondering eyes or/ and you're just bloody stupid). You race home from the gym, shower, cuddle kids, and help them get dressed, eat, pack school bags and if you're lucky enough you're partner will help and even better take them to school. Half crazed you race out the door with a mouthful of porridge in your gob (still swallowing) run like mad to catch your train a kilometer down the road because your household only has one car. Finally you get to work maybe a few minutes late and nervously wonder if anybody noticed. The "how was your weekend" from colleagues just reminds you how hard it was (cleaning, grocery shopping, kids sports/ birthday parties, visiting frail parents who also need your help). You work hard and wonder if you'll ever d...