Donny the Snake

Once upon a time there was a baby snake called Donny who was born into a home of immense wealth. He never had to worry about going to bed hungry or where he would sleep at night. Donny was born a white snake, very high on the pecking order of the empire he lived in so he never knew what it felt like to be picked on for being different or of the lesser order.
Donny was a smug young snake and as he grew older, he would bully other animals that were weaker than he. If they beat him at anything he would chuck a tantrum complaining they cheated. Today Donny claims “When I look at myself in the first grade and I look at myself now, I’m basically the same,” 
Donny wanted to be like his father who was a successful snake in all the ways that were important to Donny. Donny promised himself that one day he would build an empire bigger and better than his fathers and at any cost.
The empire Donny grew up in was considered the biggest and the best but as years passed that changed. Larger empires began to emerge in the Orient and Donny did not like that one bit. He made a promise to himself that he would make his empire great again!
Donny thought long and hard about how he could make his empire great again. He noticed that there were fewer jobs now for poorer and less educated white male snakes and he could see they were becoming very angry. His mentor, a grand wizzard snake wanted him to look after these uneducated white male snakes. The grand wizzard snake convinced Donny that the foreign snakes from across the border were sneaking into their empire and taking these jobs. Donny thought hard about what he could do about this problem. And then it came to him, he would build this great big wall to keep them out and better still he would make the foreign snakes pay for it.
Donny never seemed to have much luck with the females snakes. He loved their curves of course, oh he loved pretty snakes, Donny struggled to keep his slithery snake parts off them. Many female snakes complained about this but he would just call them lying snakes.
Donny did not like  snakes of colour at all but to keep harmony in his empire he would have to pretend to like them. But Donny had a huge ego and everytime he tried to hide his true feelings all it would take is for a snake of colour to poke fun at him and he would never be able to keep his venomous mouth shut.
One day Donny finally got voted in as head of the empire mainly because he promised to make his empire great again. His followers, mainly white uneducated male and female snakes who hated snakes of colour, praised Donny, and oh how Donny loved to be praised.
The other snakes in the kingdom were scared. They wondered what he would do to the snakes of colour, the immigrant snakes and female snakes that did not support what he believed in.
Donny called for calm and promised these snakes they had nothing to be afraid of. He promised that he did not mean the things he said before, and many snakes believed him. Suddenly every racial slur he ever made was forgotten. Every crude thing he had said or done to a female snake was forgotten. And that big wall, nothing to worry about. Donny will now only build a fence.


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